ProBots 2021 Season 2 - Human vs Bot

Greetings Champs!

We are nearing the end of the second season of ProBots 2021 which means you’re invited to play against the bots! Our Crown Club members get first dibs of games being casted during the finals but we are also looking for a variety of community games to showcase.

How to play against the ProBots [2021 S2 Edition]

  1. If you don’t already, you’ll need to make sure StarCraft II is installed (It’s free)

  2. Download the Probots Vs Human 2021 S2 Zip

  3. Unzip the ProBots vs into a folder

  4. Add the maps to your StarCraft 2 Folder

    How to Add The Maps

    1. Open the Blizzard Client
    2. Select the StarCraft II Tab
    3. Click Options
    4. Click Show in Explorer
    5. Select StarCraft II Folder
    6. Create the folder Maps if it doesn’t already exist
    7. Copy the map files from the Updated Maps Folder located in the ProBots vs folder
  5. Open the folder Sc2AiApp

  6. Select the file Sc2AiApp



  1. Select Continue Without Login
  2. Then on the Play vs Bot tab, Select the Map
  3. Select the Bot you wish to play
  4. Your Race you wish to play as
  5. Hit Launch

Bot Additional Downloads

Tyr may require additional downloads to function, if this is the case Download .NET core 2.1 runtime

Ketroc may require you to download Java 16


Many of the following are limitations of the technology we use to do these bot games

  • Your game client will launch 2 windows. 1 of them will be yours and one of them will belong to the bot.
  • You will be able to hear the bot’s sound, click on its window and hit (Control + Shift +S) to disable its sound
  • Alt + Enter goes into Full Screen
  • Hotkeys: To get your hotkeys to work you need to : “ Documents\StarCraft II\Accounts######\Hotkeys ” to: “ Documents\StarCraft II\Hotkeys ”(if the folder isn’t there, create one) . You will only need to do this once. You will be able to select your hotkeys from the hotkey menu.
  • You cannot pause the game
  • When you’re done locate the folder called Replays in the Sc2AiApp folder (If there is no replay there check your StarCraft II Replay folder)
  • Rename your replay to include your name, league and bot - Example : Caerwyn_MasterI_MicroMachine . This helps with choosing games to be casted
  • Please also include games you lose :wink:

Click Here to Submit the Replays [Submissions for Exhibition close at August 26th 2021 18:00 UTC]


Hi, any recommendatitons on what to do if the app doesn’t see any maps in my StarCraft II / Maps Folder?

The app pulls from its local folder to display the maps you choose from. When unzip the file, use the app in its native folder without moving it

Still not working? A couple of things we can try.

  • if you haven’t moved it, move the folder in its entirety to your desktop and try to open the app from there.
  • if you moved any maps out of the folder, you need to copy them back
  • if you’re not sure what changes you made, delete the app, redownload it from the link above

It looks like from your picture you’ve put them in the right place but if for some reason you need to add the maps again here is a standalone link for maps to use in your StarCraft 2 folder

Hi, thank you for the reply!

I didn’t move the app anywhere, the screenshot I made was just to confirm I have all the maps in the SC2 maps folder.

I tried to move the app directory to the desktop, but unfortunately nothing has changed. I didn’t remove any maps from the app directory (just copied from there to the maps folder).

Is it possible that the app is not working on Windows 7 x64?

ah that’s the problem, the app doesn’t work with Windows 7 unfortunately :frowning: it was designed around working with Windows 10