ProBots 2020 Season 3 - WB & LB Round 3

WB & LB Round 3

Welcome to the WB Semi finlas (LB Round 3)! We only have 8 bots left and this week was the last week for updates, so that means bots are on their own from here till the finals!


This Week’s Matches

Spiny vs BenBotBC

Strelock vs Ketroc

ANIBot vs Jensiiibot

Fidolina vs ThreeWayLover

Who will win?

We are going to keep up the polling this week, with another " Who will win their matches?"

Which Bot will win it’s match?
  • Spiny
  • BenBotBC
  • Strelock
  • Ketroc
  • ANIBot
  • Jensiiibot
  • Fidolina
  • ThreeWayLover
0 voters

Where to watch?

You’ll be able to watch it live on ESChamp’s YouTube Channel

Matches start 2020-12-04T00:30:00Z