ProBots 2021 - Season 2 Lower Bracket Finals

Welcome to the Season 2 Lower Bracket Finals

After exciting matches last week which determined the winner bracket finals, this week we are rapidly approaching the conclusion of the lower bracket. 4 Bots will fight to earn a place within the top 3 of ProBots 2021 season 2.
On top of that, the games this week will determine the top 4 bots of this season, which will earn a seed into Season 3 of ProBots 2021.

Don’t forget, as always after the games we’ll have Postbots for members, where hosts Andyman and Endersword are joined with guests to express their thoughts of the games that occurred.


This Week’s Matches:

  1. MicroMachine vs DominionDog
  2. Tyr vs sharkbot
  3. Winner of Match 1 vs Winner of Match 2

In this weeks poll, instead of having a poll for each match, we’re curious to hear which bot you think will make it to the grand finals!

Which Bot will make it to the lower bracket finals?
  • MicroMachine
  • DominionDog
  • Tyr
  • sharkbot
0 voters


You’ll be able to watch it live on ESChamp’s YouTube Channel
Matches begin 2021-08-19T23:30:00Z

Grand Finals Information

The conclusion of the 2nd season of ProBots 2021 will take place on Saturday, Aug 28th at 12:30 PM EST.

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